In the heart of Cannes, this solar and colorful residence stands out with its Mediterranean style, featuring references to the Riviera such as seashells and wave patterns on the mirrors and headboards. A subtle play of textures, bold colors, and curved shapes unfolds in every space. The experience extends to the vast rooftop, offering an unobstructed panoramic view of the city and the sea.
- Type
- Place
- Area
- Date
- Photographer
- Hôtel
- Cannes, Côte d'Azur
- 700 m²
- June 2024
- Alexandre Tabaste
In the heart of Cannes, this solar and colorful residence stands out with its Mediterranean style, featuring references to the Riviera such as seashells and wave patterns on the mirrors and headboards. A subtle play of textures, bold colors, and curved shapes unfolds in every space. The experience extends to the vast rooftop, offering an unobstructed panoramic view of the city and the sea.
- Type
- Place
- Area
- Date
- Photographer
- Hôtel
- Cannes, Côte d'Azur
- 700 m²
- June 2024
- Alexandre Tabaste